--- Block number out-of-range in file: %s Base block and block size not found in the alternate MDB. According to the alternate MDB, base block=%ld, block size=%ld. Unregistered copy Registered to: %s Best guess according to the volume's size: base block=%ld, block size=%ld. The allocation blocks layout cannot be estimated because partitioning is ignored. About the allocation blocks layout: First resource allocation block: %ld First data allocation block: %ld Total size: %s Resource fork size: %s Data fork size: %s Creator: %.4s Type: %.4s File: %s Modified: %s Created: %s ID: %ld Folder: %s No file/folder found. For HFS+ volumes, the block size is a power of 2 (usually 8). Block #%lu ($%lX) - Total blocks: %lu ($%lX) %ld bytes %ld KB %ld MB %s, %.4s/%.4s, %s, modified %s %s, folder, modified %s (unknown date) No files. Listing files and folders in: Listing files and folders in root level. No anonymous folder found. %d files found for calibration. Base block and block size not found in the volume information (MDB). According to the volume information (MDB), base block=%ld, block size=%ld. Operation aborted. Total: %ld items. %ld folders founds. %ld files founds. %d files found, need %d more SCSI: Bus %d, ID %d: [type=%d] (%s) SCSI: Bus %d, ID %d: %.8s %.16s %.4s (%s) SCSI: Bus %d, ID %d: %.*s (%s) IDE: Bus %d, %s drive: %.*s (%s) %.*s (%s) SCSI: ID %d: %.*s (%s) Could not open file: %s (error=%d). Read error in block: %lu. Saving blocks %lu through %lu. * Interrupted. master slave The disk has %ld bad block(s) Remaining time: %.2d:%.2d %s (%s) %ld KB %ld MB * IDE: Bus %d, %s drive: %.40s (%s) SCSI: ID %d: [type=%d] (%s) SCSI: ID %d: %.8s %.16s %.4s (%s) %s: %s (%s) driver="%s" * * Floppy disk Hard disk 20 Sorry, no match. Recovering files %ld items in volume (%ld files) Volume is empty. Unexpected end of volume. Error #%d on logical block #%ld. * Finder info not set for folder %s (error=%d). * Cannot create file "%s". Cannot create folder "%s". Too many files in folder. Volume is offline. Volume is locked. Volume not found. Volume is full. * Anonymous folder #%03d Found %d anonymous folders. Checking folders. File info not set for file %s (error=%d). Data missing in file: %s Write error in file: %s Read error in file: %s * Couldn't write to file: %s (error=%d). Recovering file: %s Counting files Rebuilding level %d folders. OK. At least %d files matching : base=%ld, block size=%ld. Calibrating allocation blocks layout. Read error on logical block #%ld Scanning for file information Recovering files to "%s". Recovered #%d Scanning %s. Data Rescue 2.0.2 - © 1997-1998, Sylvain Demongeot